Assalamualaikim and Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
Since it's a new year, first day of 2014, lets start with new year resolution. Overall, 2013 has been a good year, with it's ups and downs. Hopefully, 2014 will be a better year for me. After a day of thinking, here are my new year resolution:
1. Lose weight. (this is yearly resolution. however, i find it very hard to fulfill).
2. travel more. Jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan. When you travel, you hopefully experience life more, inshaAllah....
3. this is a good year to start thinking about the next step in my career. The Chinese believe 2014 is a year of good and lasting prosper. So, starting tomorrow, will figure out the next step to achieve a fulfilling career....
4. this year, i will turn 28. Probably should start finding my 'Edward'. InshaAllah
5. Save money for the future. dengar2 tahun ni mulanya kebangkitan harga. GST, tol, harga barang, rumah dll. So better save up for the rainy days!!!
p/s: 5 is enough for this year. Hopefully, will achieve all 5 this year. 364 more days to go until we see if these resolutions are fulfilled. InshaAllah...
-ain yahaya-