Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Schlumberger n me

ok, slame ni asyik je sume budak mechanical cite2 pasal oil n gas la industry. advantages of oil n gas r:

i. gaji banyak

ii. bleh travel selalu

iii. kerja ngan company besar2

ok, so, atas ajakan rakan2, kite pun anta la resume kat schlumberger masa ada Karnival Kerjaya kat UTM. Below are the steps of interview:


Duration about 5 minutes. we were asked to introduce ourself, what do you know about schlumberger, what do you know about oil n gas industry. soalan basic2 je, nak tau about your personality n whether our personality fits the company working style. For impromptu, the question was about 'Leadership'. ok la, goreng sket2.... x la susah sgt. just a bit nervous je...hehe

ada member yg kena green house, production line engineer, etc....


pas interview tu, dok la lepak2 jap kat dsi.... sambil tgu member2.... after about one hour of waiting for the results of the interview ( convinced myself comfirm lepas ni), the result came out. pg tgk kat board tp nama x de....
oh, comfirm x lepas.... x pela, memang dah agak pun....
tp, tibe2, wieyah n pejai kata nama kite ada la plak kat senarai yg lepas.... haha... confuse2.....
bila check btol2, ADA rupanya.... tp nama yg last sekali...... haha...LAST NAME ON THE LIST... cukup2 makan je dpt kot......
the interview consist of working in a project of 5/6 peoples. we were given a situation where we were the managers of a restaurant. there were 10 problems with the restaurant. so, kena discuss among each other which problem was to be solved first.... pas discussion, ada presentation.....
after presentation n QnA, it was 1.15 pm.... dah lapa.... nak g lunch, but the interviewers ckp tgu kejap utk tau result, who moves on to the next stage....
so tgu selama 15 minutes, result pun kuar.... jeng2.... DAPAT mara ke peringkat seterusnye.... hehe.... Alhamdulillah... x sangka btol bleh lepas....


the duration was 1/2 hour. she asked me on my views on working with men, working x kira masa, x dpt jumpa family..... so i answered the best n most honest that i can... dia tanya dak bleh swim ke x.....( nasib baik penah masuk swimming class)... hehe...
at 5pm, received a call saying that i got through to the next stage..... kena g office Schlumberger utk interview..... Alhamdulillah....
that was the last stage in UTM. All in all, it was one of the most exiting day of my life...hehe

after stage 3, something hit me hard. i can do this... tp kena wat preparation la... mesti nak excel kan dlm interview stage 4 nanti.... kena bersedia mentally n physically utk ini.... this is it!!!!

all in all, macam x percaya plak dpt peluang utk interview ngan Schlumberger kan.... the journey was unbelievable.....i'm so humble by this experience.....
semua ni berlaku ada sebabnya, ada hikmahnya.... it was made of effort+determination+bravery+luck+izin Allah..... i feel very blessed....

until i write again,
yours truly......

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