Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The W issue

Ok. This is a bonanza entry. Get ready people.... haha... it's the first WEIGHT issue of the year!!!!! Oh god help me.... Sana sini sume cakap pasal diet, kesihatan n BMI. there are lots n lots n lots of ways to lose weight. No carbs diet, high protein diet, calorie watch diet, diet n exercise, small portion food diet... Persoalannya, mengapakah saya masih x kurus2 lagi?????

Ok. I've never ever been 'the skinny kid' ok. Never. I've always been that kid that is somewhat too big compared to her friends. tp bila dah teenager, mula perasan that u're bigger, but x tau nak diet... then, masa wat diploma, i don't care about this weight thing. As long as u're confident, then, everything's gonna work out...bila perperasaan begitu, mulalah rasa x pe n terus leave it out of my mind.

Ok. Finally, rasa endah diri tu dtg semula. bila kira BMI, wow, a bit over weight la pulak. ok, now have to start diet. masa tu pun mula la swimming lessons. mmg best. badan rasa fresh n ringan. nak kata kurus tu, x la. tp swimming re-structures ur body. But, nothing lasts forever. the last time i wnt swimming was like 2 months ago. bila pegi, penat gile. then balik umah je lapa, pastu mula mkn dgn byknye.....

Ok. then i start my diet. Mkn salads everyday... ok, tahan selama beberapa bulan... mula nampak perubahan, but again, nothing last forever.... bila dtg festive seasons, mula la mkn sampai x ingat dunia....hmmmmm FAIL lagi...

Ok. now, what am i gonna do? member2 sume so skinny, sampai after bersalin pun diorg still kurus macam masa single dulu2...

Ok. New day, new effort, new me. Esok akan memulakan calorie counting portion n cuba exercise. Tgk kat Yahoo kata if we walk for 15 minutes, can burn about 100 calories.... tomorrow, we go try that theory. See if it's true...

p/s: dah tgk The Biggest Loser US, Asia n Australia berseason2. Tp masih lg x kurus2... Something is seriouslay wrong with me.....

-ain yahaya-

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