Sunday, May 28, 2017

Ramadhan 2017 Day 1: Keluarga

1 Ramadhan telah berlalu. Dan tahun ini, aku sambut ramadhan di Sheffield. 1st time sambut di perantauan, seorang diri. Tahun2 yang sudah, bila ramadhan tiba, yang berada di minda mesti puasa, berbuka, raya. 3 benda yang berada di minda bila ramadhan tiba.

Tapi tahun ini, Ramadhan mengajar aku sesuatu yang belum pernah aku rasa sebelum ni. Sebelum masuk Ramadhan, yg berlegar di minda adalah macam mana nak puasa 19 jam sehari. Sekarang summer di UK, so subuh jam 230 am, and maghrib jam 930 pm. Dari aku sampai UK October last year, asyik fikir tentang pengalaman yang bakal dilalui bila puasa 19 jam. Oh my.....

Tapi bila Ramadhan finally tiba, 1 Ramadhan tahun ini mengajar aku erti Keluarga. Yes, semua orang ada family, no big deal. Tapi apa yang aku sedari adalah pentingnya institusi kekeluargaan. Mak, ayah, adik beradik. It seems simple, but it's the most important and valuable lesson.

These past years, mesti sambut puasa dengan family, so x rasa apa specialnya puasa dengan keluarga disisi. Bila dah jauh ni, baru faham apa makna keluarga. Keluarga itu besar maknanya, tinggi nilainya dan tidak terbeli dengan apapun dalam dunia ini. Your family is your person, the person/place that makes you feel  safest, most comfortable and most loved. No judgement, no conditions, no excuses. 

Jadi bila tengok gambar the rest of the family makan sahur, maka bertakung jugalah air mata. Rasa macam jauh sangat, dan gembiranya mereka bersahur bersama. Sayu juga bila kita tiada. The ironic part is, the picture doesn't have the same effect on the person in the picture. They just see it as a family eating together. Tapi aku nampak lebih dari itu. Kasih sayang, affection, tanggungjawab, pengorbanan, riang, suka semua ada dalam satu gambar. It's true when people say "A picture is worth a thousand words". And I found those words in a Whatsapp picture sent by my father. 

Jadi, hari ini Ramadhan mengajar aku erti keluarga yang sebenar. Aku faham sekarang apa itu KELUARGA. Bila bersama rasa biasa, bila tiada rasa oh, adakah itu bahagia?

Sahaja aku puasa esok hari wajib keatas diriku pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini.

Sheffield, United Kingdom
-ain yahaya-

Monday, May 18, 2015

Hellooo Bandung!!!!!

wow, lamenye x write.... rasa cam first time pulak. Merujuk kepada title post, this story is about our family vacation (-iwan) to Bandung, Indonesia.... went there from 9/6/2014 until 12/6/2014. Fly from Kl-Bandung jam 650am. arrive in Bandung around 8 am local time (9am waktu Malaysia). Here are the details that I remember (vividly, mind you):

1. The landing was not smooth at all, probably due to the short distance of runway. U can feel that u are plunging down and the pilot 'break' like hell. terkejut gile..... But, after that, all was ok.

2. The airport was very2 small. very surprising for an international airport. Airport Senai 10x lg besar rasanya.... you land, and then you walk and climb stairs to the main terminal. ok, fine...

3. The bag conveyor was very short, approximately 1 m in length. when we arrive, i realize that most of the bag had been lift and put aside. it took us a while to find our bag. we brought 2 luggage bag (20 kg in total)...

4. the, we took the taxi to our first destination, Chara Hotel. We wanted to check-in.


ain yahaya-

IELTS 2015

It's been a year and a half. i almost forgot the address to my blog. hahaha.... OK, ILETS 2015. I will be turning 29 at the END of the year. So, in a panic state, I start to picture my life 5 years from now. I can't be like this forever. Wake up, get dresses, drive to work, go back home, eat, sleep, day in, day out. I MUST do something!!! I MUST make my  20s count. So, I decided to further my studies. the first step will be, taking IELTS.

ILETS is a n English Language International Test for non-native English Speakers. The test is valid for 2 years, and is essential in applying to study overseas.(Even Japan pun mintak IELTS jugak). After some information searching, maka jumpalah information yang beharga. Harga test: RM650 after GST. (Ya Allah, mahallnya!!!). Maka, selepas ada duit, mendaftarlah saya di pusat peperiksaan IELTS. Tarikh exam adalah 25 april 2015. tarikh mendaftar adalah 5 april 2015.

So, ada cukup2 20 hari untuk study untuk exam ni. Oleh kerana feesnya mahal, maka, teramat risaulah hati ni klu2 kena repeat exam tu,,, dahla dah lama x amek exam english.

After you enrolled, you will get 30 hours free tutorial=2 sets of questions for every component. (IELTS has 4 components, listening, reading, speaking and writing). Yang paling dirisaukan adalah writng and speaking, as always.

After completing the trial sets, ok lah sikit. listening and reading, ok... writing kena improve, and speaking, well speaking lah....

I went to MPH the day before the exam. Jumpa satu buku IELTS. Harga: rm 74.90( no GST). ada 4 sets of academic module. after careful consideratrion, akhirnya belilah buku tu... Alhamdulillah.... Byk membantu juga buku tu, walaupun soalannya susah boleh tahan jugaklah. risaulah jugak hati ni....

So, on the morning of exam, pg lah exam dgn tawakkal... insha Allah semuanya selamat dan dipermudahkan.... test dimulakan dgn listrning (40 mins), reading (1 hour), writng ( 1 hour) and lastly speaking (approx 15 minutes).

p/s: saya dah dpt score saya... Alhamdulillah,... dipermudahkan olehNya...
Overall score: 8.0

-ain yahaya-

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Resolution

Assalamualaikim and Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...

Since it's a new year, first day of 2014, lets start with new year resolution. Overall, 2013 has been a good year, with it's ups and downs. Hopefully, 2014 will be a better year for me. After a day of thinking, here are my new year resolution:

1. Lose weight. (this is yearly resolution. however, i find it very hard to fulfill).

2. travel more. Jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan. When you travel, you hopefully experience life more, inshaAllah....

3. this is a good year to start thinking about the next step in my career. The Chinese believe 2014 is a year of good and lasting prosper. So, starting tomorrow, will figure out the next step to achieve a fulfilling career....

4. this year, i will turn 28. Probably should start finding my 'Edward'. InshaAllah

5. Save money for the future. dengar2 tahun ni mulanya kebangkitan harga. GST, tol, harga barang, rumah dll. So better save up for the rainy days!!!

p/s: 5 is enough for this year. Hopefully, will achieve all 5 this year. 364 more days to go until we see if these resolutions are fulfilled. InshaAllah...

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in a glance

Yup, it's a new record!!! 1 year since my last post... haha... but since this is for y own reading, so x pelah... hehe... so, lets glance through 2013 from January to December:

1. Start kerje. 1st time keje (2 jan 2013)
2. bday mama

-beli baju for my first gaji....

-x ingat gak

-pakai baju my first gaji utk kenduri kawen Ainaa

-x ingat


-bday Iwan

-bday Abah

-x ingat

-x ingat

-I turn 27!!! ada lesen baru to prove it!!!

-family vacation (Kota Kinabalu)
-go on shopping spree since it's been a year of working for me!!!

p/s: banyak memories yg tersimpan di kepala, tp x mampu diluahkan kepada kata2..... InsyaAllah satu hari nanti...

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 in a jot


it's been almost a year since I last wrote something here. 2012 has been a hard and challenging year for me. Lots of memories and hardships that has been gone through this year which has made me grow up as a person, daughter, a student and now a working member of the community....hehe.... Lets recap


1. bday mama
2. start writing master project


1. writing lagi, x siap2.....


1. Finally, dah siap pun writing. Alhamdulillah, sekali je correction... Syukur Ya Allah


1. Start duduk rumah je n hantar cvs


1. Graduation Day!!!!! Hehe.... Konvokesyen UTM ke-49 (klu x silap). Hehe... Alhamdulillah
  note: dah 3 kali konvo kat DSI. Lots of memories... Ada 1 chance lg. Hopefully, dpt merasa konvo tempat lain plak... Hehe... InsyaAllah....

1. Dok rumah lagi.... Rest secukupnye....

1. Bday Iwan
2. Still blom keje lagi..hehe

1. Bday Abah

1. Masih rest

1. rest dan masih blom keje

1. Got my email of interview on my birthday!!!!
2. My big-25th bday...hehe

1. Pergi Legoland with my 3 nephews
2. Got offer letter to join IIU!!!!

2012 was a challenge. But still, it was bitter-sweet. Mmg kadang-kadang sedih coz x dpt keje, tp best cpz hari2 hangout ngan mama. Mother-daughter bonding time!!!!

p/s: 2013 will be full of challenges as well, Im sure. Hehe... Lets hope for a better days ahead of us people!!

-ain yahaya- 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's resolution

ok...ok.... i know, it's been 4 days into the new year. n this is my first post.... sorry terlambat pick-up....hehe.... btw, happy new year!!!!! there r a few of last year's resolution yg x berape nak menjadi. so, bersempena dgn new year 2012 ni, saya telah bersetuju utk beresolusi untuk:

1. be a better person, both emotionally and physically. get fit. gain my ideal weight. grow up. mature.

2. be a working person. with a good job. a job that can be a career. that i'm happy to do everyday. that i'm happy to get up in the morning to go to.

3. graduate. Insyaallah, bulan 4 ni konvo lah....

4. pay for my car installment.

5. purchase things from my wishlist. DSLR, iphone, LCD TV...

6. fall in love. fall so in love with my 'Edward'.

p/s: dreaming. hoping. wishing.....

-ain yahaya-

Saturday, December 31, 2011

last day of 2011: Recap

wow! how time flies.... x sangka telah sampai ke hujung 2011... this year a lot of interesting things happened in my life... ada yg best, ada yg x best sangat... flipping through from janary:

1. Birthday mama

can't remember

1. fought with my brother

1. first time g Singapore with cousin alone. Naik public transport lg...hehe

1. Oprah Winfrey's final talk show... She taught me a lot of life lessons.....
2. Finally, owning my own car.. JMW 2886...

1. Family dinner. Celebrate mama's 50th bday....
2. Organized our Family's sports day. A lot of preparation, nasib baik all of them very2 sporting... Acara yg paling best adalah Penalty kick.....

1. First presentation of my Master's Project
2. Harry Potter 7 Part 2 premiered. So sad lah. I watched this movie 3 times....
3. bday iwan

1. Ramadhan... Asyik je tgn kena minyak panas mase masak utk buke puase or sahur.... (read: mmg x terer masak...hehe)
2. Hari kidal sedunia. selama ni x tau pun wujud..hehe (Proud to be a lefty)
3. bday abah

1. Hari raya yg best.... Theme: Turquoise

can't think of anything

1. My 25th b-day!!!

1. Went to USS on Christmas Eve. Snow siap turun lagi masa kitorg nak balik..... Memang best gile....hehe
2. Presentation master Project 2! Pheewww!!! Nasib baik dah lepas.....

p/s: a lot of things happened in 2011. Thank u for making me who i am today. and thanks for all the memories. I will never forget them.... 2011 rocks!!!!

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hopes and dreams for my sweet 25

today i am 25 yrs and a day. Basically, hari ini telah memasang hopes and dreams for this year..... my hopes and dreams are:

1. finish my mp project and graduate this january. (convo maybe april)
2. find a job. (doesn't matter in mech eng or not, but if not, maybe temporary job la kot)
3. travel somewhere on my own. (overseas seems impossible at this very second, but we'll see in the future)
4. fall in love and find someone who loves me as much as Edward loves Bella...

p/s: twilight mode...

-ain yahaya-

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dosa dan karma

karma tu ape? what goes around comes around. treat people the way u want to be treated. be polite and considerate and people will offer you the same courtesy....

dosa tu ape? when we do something wrong, surely we will get what's coming.... buat jahat dapat dosa....

so when i want to have a celebrate my b-day by having a b-day cake, or have a nice meal, and i don't get it, is it because of karma or my dosa, oleh itu i'm being punished?

but i do celebrate other people's b-day... aritu, ajak member2 pg secret recipe to celebrate a friend's b-day.....

the problem is, when it's my b-day, i expect a 'celebration'. at least ada b-day cake, and at least pg makan2 kat tmpt yg x selalu pegi.... bkn g dinner kat tmpt yg selang 2 hari mesti g dinner tmpt yg same....

so, when i don't get what i wish for on my birthday, is it because of my dosa? kerana org berdosa x dpt apa yg dihajati, or is it because of karma? kerana kite akan dpt balik ape yg kite buat kat org lain.....

p/s: happy 25th ain.... hopefully next year, we'll get to spend our b-day the way that we wish for....

oh one more thing, if we celebrate our birthday the next day after our birthday, it's not called celebrating our birthday, it's celebrating other people's birthday... our birthday is only once a year, remember???

-ain yahaya-