Monday, November 28, 2011

Dosa dan karma

karma tu ape? what goes around comes around. treat people the way u want to be treated. be polite and considerate and people will offer you the same courtesy....

dosa tu ape? when we do something wrong, surely we will get what's coming.... buat jahat dapat dosa....

so when i want to have a celebrate my b-day by having a b-day cake, or have a nice meal, and i don't get it, is it because of karma or my dosa, oleh itu i'm being punished?

but i do celebrate other people's b-day... aritu, ajak member2 pg secret recipe to celebrate a friend's b-day.....

the problem is, when it's my b-day, i expect a 'celebration'. at least ada b-day cake, and at least pg makan2 kat tmpt yg x selalu pegi.... bkn g dinner kat tmpt yg selang 2 hari mesti g dinner tmpt yg same....

so, when i don't get what i wish for on my birthday, is it because of my dosa? kerana org berdosa x dpt apa yg dihajati, or is it because of karma? kerana kite akan dpt balik ape yg kite buat kat org lain.....

p/s: happy 25th ain.... hopefully next year, we'll get to spend our b-day the way that we wish for....

oh one more thing, if we celebrate our birthday the next day after our birthday, it's not called celebrating our birthday, it's celebrating other people's birthday... our birthday is only once a year, remember???

-ain yahaya-

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