Saturday, December 31, 2011

last day of 2011: Recap

wow! how time flies.... x sangka telah sampai ke hujung 2011... this year a lot of interesting things happened in my life... ada yg best, ada yg x best sangat... flipping through from janary:

1. Birthday mama

can't remember

1. fought with my brother

1. first time g Singapore with cousin alone. Naik public transport lg...hehe

1. Oprah Winfrey's final talk show... She taught me a lot of life lessons.....
2. Finally, owning my own car.. JMW 2886...

1. Family dinner. Celebrate mama's 50th bday....
2. Organized our Family's sports day. A lot of preparation, nasib baik all of them very2 sporting... Acara yg paling best adalah Penalty kick.....

1. First presentation of my Master's Project
2. Harry Potter 7 Part 2 premiered. So sad lah. I watched this movie 3 times....
3. bday iwan

1. Ramadhan... Asyik je tgn kena minyak panas mase masak utk buke puase or sahur.... (read: mmg x terer masak...hehe)
2. Hari kidal sedunia. selama ni x tau pun wujud..hehe (Proud to be a lefty)
3. bday abah

1. Hari raya yg best.... Theme: Turquoise

can't think of anything

1. My 25th b-day!!!

1. Went to USS on Christmas Eve. Snow siap turun lagi masa kitorg nak balik..... Memang best gile....hehe
2. Presentation master Project 2! Pheewww!!! Nasib baik dah lepas.....

p/s: a lot of things happened in 2011. Thank u for making me who i am today. and thanks for all the memories. I will never forget them.... 2011 rocks!!!!

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hopes and dreams for my sweet 25

today i am 25 yrs and a day. Basically, hari ini telah memasang hopes and dreams for this year..... my hopes and dreams are:

1. finish my mp project and graduate this january. (convo maybe april)
2. find a job. (doesn't matter in mech eng or not, but if not, maybe temporary job la kot)
3. travel somewhere on my own. (overseas seems impossible at this very second, but we'll see in the future)
4. fall in love and find someone who loves me as much as Edward loves Bella...

p/s: twilight mode...

-ain yahaya-

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dosa dan karma

karma tu ape? what goes around comes around. treat people the way u want to be treated. be polite and considerate and people will offer you the same courtesy....

dosa tu ape? when we do something wrong, surely we will get what's coming.... buat jahat dapat dosa....

so when i want to have a celebrate my b-day by having a b-day cake, or have a nice meal, and i don't get it, is it because of karma or my dosa, oleh itu i'm being punished?

but i do celebrate other people's b-day... aritu, ajak member2 pg secret recipe to celebrate a friend's b-day.....

the problem is, when it's my b-day, i expect a 'celebration'. at least ada b-day cake, and at least pg makan2 kat tmpt yg x selalu pegi.... bkn g dinner kat tmpt yg selang 2 hari mesti g dinner tmpt yg same....

so, when i don't get what i wish for on my birthday, is it because of my dosa? kerana org berdosa x dpt apa yg dihajati, or is it because of karma? kerana kite akan dpt balik ape yg kite buat kat org lain.....

p/s: happy 25th ain.... hopefully next year, we'll get to spend our b-day the way that we wish for....

oh one more thing, if we celebrate our birthday the next day after our birthday, it's not called celebrating our birthday, it's celebrating other people's birthday... our birthday is only once a year, remember???

-ain yahaya-

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Understood and understanding

I understand that people are different n unique in their own way. No 2 people are the same, even though they're identical twins...

I understand where u're coming from... what u're saying, what your hopes n dreams are..... what u want me to follow n obey.... what u want me to be and to do....

but i'm hoping that i will be understood.... i'm human.... i'm not perfect.... i can't be all u want me to be....

i'm hoping that u will understand where i'm coming from.... i also have needs..... maybe it's different than what u expected..... but i'm from another generation..... my needs and wants are different than yours.....

i know that u're upset n frustrated that i don't agree with u in some matters.... But trust me when i say that i am also frustrated and really upset when we can't be in an agreement about the small matters....

i'm not asking u to give me the universe, or to hand me the stars, i'm just asking for a little understanding and consideration....

i hope that we will understand each other better..... understanding where u're coming from and where i'm coming from......

p/s: trying to understand why some people has it easier than others.....

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Someone Like You

Someone like you by adele.....

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light

I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me, it isn't over

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised in a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me, it isn't over yet

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah

Nothing compares, no worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you
Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead

p/s: sometimes it lasts, sometimes it just prepares to until u meet the one....

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


today is nov 1st.... first of November... lg 27 hari my big 25th bday!!!!!! haha... but on a serious note, hari ni mmg bagus utk mulakan idup baru. aktifkan azam2 lama n cuba mulakan azam baru... i need all the strength + courage + faith + luck i can get.....

p/s: Aja-Aja!!!! Fighting!!!!

-ain yahaya-

Friday, October 28, 2011


8 more weeks to graduation....

8 more weeks to get my master's degree....

8 more weeks to finish my study.....

8 more weeks to keep schedule......

8 more weeks to be on-time......

8 more weeks to keep up with the plan....

8 more weeks......


p/s: 8 more weeks until master's project deadline....

-ain yahaya-

Friday, October 21, 2011

Real Steel : Ada Jiwa!!!

wow, lame nye x update blog. to be honest, memang malas n x de mood. plus: x de cite best utk diceritakan... tp hari ni ada- movie review. Real Steel : mmg best.

Real steel is about robots that replace human fighting in the boxing arena. It takes a robot to make u realize about being patient, not giving up, and the real meaning of life: your family. Film ni memang kelas!!!! Superb....

-p/s: preservation, patience, and practice......

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya

Sempena cuti raya ni, sy telah bercuti raya dgn selamatnye.... sebab tu jgkla blog pun empty je. x de updates. even though dah 15 hb @ 17 syawal, tp raye kan sebulan. so masih ada time n mood lg utk cakap Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf zahir batin...

p/s: dah 17 syawal, bila nak wat puasa 6?? hurmmm.....

-ain yahaya-

Monday, August 29, 2011

29 Ramadhan

hari ini 29 ramadhan. klu ikut calendar, 2day is the last of ramadhan. 2morrow InsyaAllah raya. oleh itu, amatlah berbesar hati utk bLIK KG BERAYA di kuantan...... tp skang dah kol 3.20pm, tp masih blom bertolak lg..... ambat sedikit. ini post terakhir bulan ni. nanti bila dah balik jb semula baru boleh online..... Selamat hari raya!!

p/s: mohon diampunkan segala kesalahan dan dihalalkan segala-galanya...

-ain yahaya-

Friday, August 26, 2011


sepanjang bulan puasa ni, telah tolong mama masak dgn jayanya... however, in the last week of puasa, i got burned. really burned. or melecur. di tangan.

1st situation: masa berbuka. masa goreng roti canai. minyak terpercik n kena my left thumb. Sakitnye!!!!! lalu ada scar..... ain= 0, minyak panas = 1

2nd situation: masa bersahur. goreng telur, dan secara x sengaja terendam my left ring finger dlm minyak panas. menjerit kesakitan.... my ring finger ok...... nasib baik x de scar. lagi. esok2 x tau lah.... ain = 0, minyak panas = 2

apalah nasib....... lansung ada scar kat jari tau.... bosan lah mcm ni.....

p/s: ain + minyak panas = disaster

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I am sorry

to: my dearest you ( u know who u are)
subject: i am truly sorry

dear u,
i am truly sorry. i hope that u'll forgive me someday. I hope and wait and pray for the day when we'll be on good terms again. If i offended u, I'm sorry. if i did u wrong, I'm sorry. if i hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything i did u wrong. Please forgive me.

p/s: I forgive u too...

-ain yahaya-

Saturday, August 20, 2011


dalam dunia ni, only 5% of the population are lefties, or kidal. n i'm one of them. Dari kecik lagi, sy memang suka guna left hand. makan je guna tgn kanan coz mama ajar berkali2 supaya masuk dlm kepala. sy memang kidal. yg peliknya, dlm family, sy je yg kidal. org lain semua 'right handed'. Actuallt, susah juga membesar sebagai seorg lefty. dulu masa kat uk, ok la. kat sana, kesedaran tinggi. so ada shop yg jual byk brg utk org kidal. ex: gunting. Sampai sekarang, x de gunting kat malaysia ni yg fits me perfectly. asyik je tumpul, tp bila org lain guna, x tumpul pulak.... x kidal friendly...

secondly, meja masa di university. Meja jenis yg boleh slide naik n turun. Mmg payah gile. tangan asyik hanging je masa manulis, then letih.haha... satu lg, suka bump with tgn member yg right handed. Solution: duduk sebelah org yg lefty jugak or duduk kiri sekali so x kena tgn org lain. or menulis dgn payahny (read: buku hampir terbalik) so juat tgn boleh letak atas meja.

no 3: peeler. ni mmg payah. klu peel fruits guna peeler biasa, boleh je jadi. tp klu depan org tua2, MMG LA KENA MARAH..hehe... coz org melayu kata x baik pisau kearah diri sendiri, kena kearah luar, tp mmg dah x boleh, so memang la ke arah badan... Solution: tiada. adapt sahajalah.

no 4: can opener. argh.... tidakkkkk!!!! pun susah juga. terkial2 setiap kali nak buka tin. pelan2 kena letak weight kat sebelah kanan, n guna tgn kanan....

no 5: tgn kiri lagi laju. ex: klu nak bagi orang anything, alamatnya tgn kiri lah yg mendahului. mcm tu jugak klu menerima brg dr org. tgn kiri mmg laju. x sempat pikir, tgn kiri dah jln dulu. pernah sekali, member kena marah dgn lecturer coz dia bg attendance slip dgn tgn kiri. x sopan katanya... but, x bleh la mcm tu. Tuhan kurniakan dua tangan, mestila boleh guna either one kan? x sure la plak....

tp, sebagai kidal-ian, ada juga yg best. Org kidal selalu dikaitkan dgn creativity. Creative sgt ke? haha... x tau la plak... hehe.... tp yg pasti, st suka menulis n berfikir secara mendalam... haha.....

jadi, to all lefthanders out there, Happy Lefthanders Day! (wlupun terlambat, tp still nak wish coz i'm pround to be a left-hander)

p/s: proud to be a 'LEFTY'....

-ain yahaya-

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hai, I'm Ain....

I'm patient. I'm calm. I'm waiting. I'm relax. I'm good. I'm great. I'm waiting. I'm counting. I'm trying. to. relax. I'm patient. Waiting. for.u. All. 3.of.u.

Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh

Marc Jacobs Daisy Silver Edition
and. u:

Flora by Gucci

p/s: Hai, I'm Ain....... and i'm a SHOPAHOLIC!!!

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Diary Ramadhan Ain

Dear diary, these are my schedule for the past 4 days:

5.30pm: helping mama preparing food for buka puasa

7.18pm:berbuka puasa with family

8.15pm: solat maghrib

9.00pm: go for tarawikh

11.00pm: go back home or pg minum2

12.00am: facebook-ing (games)

5.00am: prepare for sahur

6.00am: solat subuh and finally go to sleep

p/s: cuba teka ain bgn tido pukul berapa??

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mengapa malas??

Selalu je malas. malas nak mandi, malas nak kuar, malas nak tido, malas nak wat keje n paling teruk sekali malas nak siapkan draft 1 master project... Ain sila jgn malas... Nanti buruk padahnye.... Dah lame sgt tangguh ni.... kena antar ari ni jugs.....

p/s: Ya Allah, berikanlah kekuatan utk Ain siapkan master project n antar hari ini juga...Amin...

-ain yahaya-

Monday, August 1, 2011


Hari ini 1 Ramadhan... kebetulan, hari ni pun bday abah... so abah,'Happy Birthday'. Berbuka nanti kita makan sesame yek.... Sempena kedatangan Ramadhan kali ini, aku mengharapkan Ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun2 sudah. Lebih banyak mengaji, lebih selalu pergi tarawikh, n lebih kurang makan... Semoga mendapat keberkatan Ramadhan...

p/s: Hopefully dpt berpuasa sebaik-baiknya tahun ini..

-ain yahaya-

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Horcruxes vs Hallows

Hari ini pembelajaran kita tentang "Bagaimana untuk mengelak Kematian". Terdapat 2 cara sebenarnya...

1.0 Horcruxes
Horcruxes is associated with the act of splitting your soul into another object, so that if u're killed, you will not die. this is because the life in your horcrux ( the object that you split your soul into), will remained untainted and you will continue living. in Voldermort's case, because he wants to be IMMORTAL, he splits his soul into 7. the horcruxes are:

1. his old school diary, or known as the'Tom Riddle Diary'
2. His ancestors (the Gaunt family) ring
3. the Slytherin's locket (which is his mothers, as he is the descendants of the great Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts)
4.the Hufflepuff's cup (belonged to Hilda Hufflepuff, one of the founders of Hogwarts)
5. the Ravenclaw's lost diadem ( belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the founders of Hogwarts)
6. his companion snake, Nagini
7. his soulless body

To kill him successfully, one must first destroy all his horcruxes, only then he will be mortal and kill-able.

Hallows, or the Deathly Hallows are the most powerful and magical thing in the world. It originally belonged to the Peverell brothers, 3 brothers that was so bright and intelligent in creating 3 things that will make one master of death. the Hallows are:

1. the Elder wand, a wand that will beat every other wand
2. the Resurrection Stone, a stone that can re-live the dead
3. the Invisibility Cloak, a cloak that will make one invisible, no enhancements will make the person inside the cloak visible to anyone.

So, the true master of death vs the immortal, siapa yang akan menang? mestilah the true master of death, coz dia kan master....haha

When Harry Potter is on the journey of finding and destroying the horcruxes, he didn't realize that the Hallows were already in his possession. Because he didn't know, he does not realize that he is the true master of death. He thought that he has to die so that Voldermort's final horcrux, (inside his body) will be destroyed, making Voldermort a mortal once more... Tapi dia x mati, yg mati hanya horcrux inside his body. So when Voldermort tried to kill him again, the curse rebounded, the Elder Wand could not curse his master. Voldermort die from his own curse....

p/s: Hats off to JK Rowling. Hebatnya imagination dia

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Tadi telah tgk hp 7 part 2.... ala, sedihnya. so sad coz:

1. hp dah abis.. pasni x de nak look forward to watching hp lg...tinggal kenangan...
2. sedihnya coz the most epic fight mcm x best sgt pun.. dialog power2 mcm dlm buku x de.... nasib baik dah baca buku, so lg paham la...klu x, mesti confuse...
3. tgk hp kali ni nangis, bila tgk harry kuarkan resurrection stone from the snitch, n kuar roh his family- dad, mom, sirius n lupin...sedihnye....

p/s: x saba nak tgk hp 7 3d plak next week. mesti penghayatan lebih...haha

-ain yahaya

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Esok Test II CME. bila amek subject short sem ni, mmg semuanya express. Kelas 2 weeks only. pastu test I. The following week Test II. haha... Assignment anta next Monday, Project I n II anta the following monday la plak.... huh, mmg sgt2 express. Tapi yg peliknya, I studied a lot for this subject. Klu subject lain, relax je. tapi CME ni belajar bersungguh2 la plak... Bagus Ain!!! haha....Takut n masih lg preparing for test tomorrow morning.....

p/s: Tough Times don't last, Tough People Do!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

5 stars!!!! tgk dlm 3-D mmg real gile!!!! macam nak tgk lagi je.... what say u?

p/s: still thinking about going to the movies alone? agak2 berani x? hurmmm......

-ain yahaya-

Happy Birthday E-One!

dearest brother, ari ni ur 22nd birthday.... happy birthday n may u have a wonderful life ahead of u!!! to the past 22 years n many more to come!!!

lots of love,

your big sis,
-ain yahaya-

Sunday, July 3, 2011

10 Things To Do before.......

I get married:

1. kerja n dpt menyimpan utk wedding expenses.

2. kerja n dpt senangkan hati mama n abah + dpt bg duit kat diorg.

3. go holiday overseas. Klu vacay kat s'pore, g Universal Studio je, ok x? haha.

4. hopefully get my PHD. Now, otw to getting my Master's Degree ( 1 more semester to go).

5. at least dah stable ( financially + emotionally)..haha... ada rumah ke, keta mmg dah ada, ada at least rm20k dlm asb.hehe

6. live the life that singles do. having fun, bleh shop at any time, ada duit utk shopping.... things like that...

7. have my own place to stay. x kesah la rumah sndri or rumah sewa. most importantly, bleh testing utk hidup sendiri. boleh ke x ni? dah la masak confirm fail...hehe

8. have my dream job! or have a great career. ini penting, coz if i can't be happy being on my own, than i most definitely won't be happy being tied up to one person for the rest of my life...

9. find someone who respects me, n accepts me for who i am..

10. Last but not least, falls deeply in love. a love that conquers all, even my fear of commitment and my fear of opening up n letting people in....

p/s: until then, i will almost definitely stay single!

-ain yahaya-

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo. Starring: Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester n Kate Cassidy. plot cerita almost 90% kat France. In Paris n Monte Carlo. Cantiknye tmpat dia. No wonder it's called as 'The city of Love'....hehe

p/s: x jadi tgk Transformers ari ni. Dpt beli cwn transformers je.... Can't wait for Monday...

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Super 8

Ok. Today pg tgk movie. Seperti yg tertera di title: Super 8. the movie is about 6 kids discovering an alien on the wrecked US Air Force train while filming their movie. movie ni ok la, not bad. After all, it's a kids movie kan. So, wild up ur imagination ok.... it's a cute movie, 5 boys and a girl, shooting a movie la konon2nya to submit to the film festival. Film ni took place in the 70s, 73 klu x silap. So, video camera dia still pki film, pastu nak develop kena sampai 3 hari. Tiba-tiba teringat yg we, the youngsters had it all easy. Nak tangkap gamba, dslr ada. x suka gamba, delete je. x payah nak guna film2 sume... x de membazir kan..... morale of the story: please appreciate everything that u have. Bukan senang ye klu kita lahir zaman dulu2. serba-serbi payah.... hurmmm.....

p/s: is waiting the Transformers3: Dark Of The Moon kuar tomorrow!!!!

-ain yahaya-

Monday, June 27, 2011

So Little Time

Ok. today was a very tense day. rasa letih n penat coz there's so mush things to do, but so little time. everything must be submitted by 25th July... i know, that's like a month away, tp sila lihat apa yg perlu di-submit:

1. Test 1 CME: 1 July
2. Test 2 CME: 11 July
3.Project 1 CME: 15 July
4. Assignment CME: 18 July
5. Presentation Master Project: 18 July ( maybe bleh tangguh sampai 25th July)
6. Project 2 CME: 2 August

p/s:Byknye nak wat... dah, stop blogging!!!! NOW!!!

-ain yahaya-

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The W issue

Ok. This is a bonanza entry. Get ready people.... haha... it's the first WEIGHT issue of the year!!!!! Oh god help me.... Sana sini sume cakap pasal diet, kesihatan n BMI. there are lots n lots n lots of ways to lose weight. No carbs diet, high protein diet, calorie watch diet, diet n exercise, small portion food diet... Persoalannya, mengapakah saya masih x kurus2 lagi?????

Ok. I've never ever been 'the skinny kid' ok. Never. I've always been that kid that is somewhat too big compared to her friends. tp bila dah teenager, mula perasan that u're bigger, but x tau nak diet... then, masa wat diploma, i don't care about this weight thing. As long as u're confident, then, everything's gonna work out...bila perperasaan begitu, mulalah rasa x pe n terus leave it out of my mind.

Ok. Finally, rasa endah diri tu dtg semula. bila kira BMI, wow, a bit over weight la pulak. ok, now have to start diet. masa tu pun mula la swimming lessons. mmg best. badan rasa fresh n ringan. nak kata kurus tu, x la. tp swimming re-structures ur body. But, nothing lasts forever. the last time i wnt swimming was like 2 months ago. bila pegi, penat gile. then balik umah je lapa, pastu mula mkn dgn byknye.....

Ok. then i start my diet. Mkn salads everyday... ok, tahan selama beberapa bulan... mula nampak perubahan, but again, nothing last forever.... bila dtg festive seasons, mula la mkn sampai x ingat dunia....hmmmmm FAIL lagi...

Ok. now, what am i gonna do? member2 sume so skinny, sampai after bersalin pun diorg still kurus macam masa single dulu2...

Ok. New day, new effort, new me. Esok akan memulakan calorie counting portion n cuba exercise. Tgk kat Yahoo kata if we walk for 15 minutes, can burn about 100 calories.... tomorrow, we go try that theory. See if it's true...

p/s: dah tgk The Biggest Loser US, Asia n Australia berseason2. Tp masih lg x kurus2... Something is seriouslay wrong with me.....

-ain yahaya-

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Terima Kasih Abah!!!

Sah2 la entry Father's Day. Today is June 19th @Father's day... oleh itu, ingin merakam apresiasi kepada insan bergelar ABAH ini. Trima Kasih abah 4 everything.... dan terima kasih kerana bacakan bed time stories every night masa kecik2 dulu. It may looks like nothing, but it sure means something, at least to me... so, Happy Father's Day to Ir Yahaya Ramli. Have a good day!!!

p/s: x saba nak mkn Pecan Butterscotch cake ni. bila iwan nak balik keje ni.....

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sukan Keluarga 2011

wah, post 2 kali berturut-turut! coz, the following afternoon, ada plak Sukan Keluarga di Dewan Futsal Kg Chendering. Kali ini i'm in Black Rose, n guess what, Black Rose menang!!!! We are the champons babe.... hehe..... one of the most interesting event was the penalty kick. baru la terserlah kehebatan my uncles sepak bola... bersemangat semuanya n lupa yg diorg dah tue....hehe..... fathers vs sons, uncles vs nephews. Memang sukan kali ni sgt berjaya. Tahniah untuk penganjur... hehe. good job!

p/s: syukurlah sukan tahun ni dpt feedback yg baik. Good job to mama, abah n me for the success in organizing the sports day.Pat in the back everybody!!!!

-ain yahaya-

Malam Pautan Kasih Bersaudara 2011

Dinner on June 4th, tp skang br sempat nak upload gamba di FB. busy giler!hehe... Dinner was good, better than last year. Food was better, persembahan pun best, sume orang dah start to contribute dlm persembahan. Uncles dah x malu2 mcm dulu, everybody paki baju ikut theme 'glamour ala artis', n persembahan family ikut theme'p ramlee'. hehe...

Overall, mmg bset. G job to penganjur!!!

p/s: my family wat persembahan aci-aci bukak pintu. dpt no 3 lg, x sia2 wat baju hantu...hehe

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, May 26, 2011

25 years of The OPRAH WINFREY Show

ok, i just finished watching the finale of the Oprah Winfrey show. So touching, and it made me realize something about my life.

1. I am worthy

2. i am responsible for my own life

3. I matter to people and people matters to me

4. God is everywhere around u

5. Newton's 3rd law. what u do will come back to you, "
To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction".

Oprah, you made me cry for u. It was a tearful goodbye, but it was for the best.

p/s: I am worthy. Don't ever forget that. Thanks Oprah for making me realize this. thanks for all the happy memories. I am forever grateful.

-ain yahaya-

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

JMW 2886

after such a long period of waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting, finally dpt gak JMW 2886. It feels different, having ur own car, for the first time....hehe.... it feels good+nervous+excited+happy that i have my own car, that is registered under my name....haha.... hopefully ain akan dpt jaga kereta ini dgn baik, supaya bleh tahan lama n guna with very precious care.... Congrats!!!

p/s: feels like flying over the moon

-ain yahaya-

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Menunggu dan ditunggu

Menunggu dan terus menunggu,

Benda yang ditunggu x juga dapat lagi,

lalu aku pun terus menunggu,

menunggu dan tunggu dan tungu,

susahnye bila semua ni diluar kawalan sendiri,

oi si penunggu, cepatlah bagi barang yang ditunggu ni,

dah hampir separuh kesabaranku pergi,

kerana menunggu barang yang pasti dimiliki tapi x tau bila boleh dimiliki...

p/s: peliknya perkataan'menunngu'.... 'waiting' is better....

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Charles & Keith

after exam n siap semua assignment n project, baru ada masa 4 blogging!!! on april 30th, i went to singapore. naik public transport, 'bus tambang' dari CIQ sampai ke Bugis ( Queen Street). God, lain rasanya kat singapore ni. kelainannya adalah:

1. orang kat sana x paham cakap melayu. nak tanya kena cakap english

2. toilet dia. Huih, susah nak g toilet kat sana. toilet dia x de pipe air, kena wipe je. Comfirm x g toilet...hehe

3. jalan kat sana cantik n bersih, very eay to the eyes...

4. branded goods dia murah!!! after convert to rm pun, still affordable...hehe

ok, entry ini adalah mengenai brand 'Charles & Keith'. It's a local (Singaporean) brand, tapi the design of shoes n hand bags are so to die for. n yet, harga dia very affordable. Price range from $30-$100. Tapi design very up to date, urban...hehe... so, even though convert rm 200 n dpt $82, still sempat grab a dinner bag at $50. bila nak balik jb, still ada $27, sangat jimat... bila nak dinner ni, x saba nak pakai bag baru...hehe..

p/s: Morale is very high on saving money n going shopping again around december. Chaiyuk2!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Wow!!!!! the wedding was so beautiful. Such a nice service. Kate looks so damn gorgeous, fit to be a fairytale princess. William looks so sharp in his uniform.... Dear god, do bless this marriage. They look so happy together and in love with each other. They deserve to be together forever. After years and years of ups and downs, a breakup that hurts both of them (and people around the world), they finally ties the knot... They look really happy and in love...

P/s: a fairy tale wedding. Where do you find a love like them? may they be together forever....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bila ada paper in 2 days

bila tiba time peksa,
baru la nak bukak buku n study,
bila nak study,
baru la perasan yg fb ada byk game2 yg best,
bila dah perasan fb byk game best,
mula la nak main game,
until now, x start study lg,
final is in 2 days,
camana nak wat ni,
x leh main game lg...

p/s: padan muka utk diri sendiri kerana malas sgt.. skang, terpaksa la study menggila...

-ain yahaya-

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bila contact lens tertinggal dalam mata

Bila pakai contact lens sehari-harian,
baru perasan yang mata mula rasa gatal,
bila dah gatal sgt mula gosok2 mata,

bila dah x tahan sangat baru terpikir,

'oh, mesti lens ni dah lama, dah kena tukar ni',

bila nak tukar lens dan nak keluarkan lens yg di mata,

baru perasan yg lens tu dah koyak,

bila lens dah koyak,

baru perasan yg separuh lg tertinggal dalam mata,

bila separuh lens tertinggal dalam mata,

baru perasan mata jadi lg pedih dan tetiba jadi merah,

bila mata dah jadi colour merah,

baru perasan mata terus rasa pedih dan pedih dan pedih,

baru padan muka kerana lama sangat guna lens yg sama.....

p/s: sekarang pakai je lens baru, tengah pikir2 lg macam mana nak keluarkan lens yg separuh tu...

-ain yahaya-

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sasaran hari ini

hari ini hari sabtu, 23/4.... kerja yg harus dilakukan utk hari ini adalah:
1. wat assignment 1 cfd

2. wat assignment 2 cfd

3. study utk final fatigue on 29/4.

wow! 3 keje nak kena wat utk hari ni and it's already almost 2pm. how?

p/s: cepat ain start wat keje!!!! MOVE YOUR ASS!!!!

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, April 21, 2011

writing a paper

wow!!! dah almost sebulan x write di sini... finally, ada something to write about....
yesterday, 20/4, ada presentation utk subject special topic. tajuk paper: "Investigation of Flow bahaviour in a lid-driven cavity using PIV and FLUENT". Kena wat:

1. wat conference paper
2. wat journal 4 journal mechanical
3. wat poster size A0

yg wat poster tu yg best. bila dah print dlm A0 size, wah rasa proud je semacam..... haha... rasa accomplished something to finally have a pos
ter.... di sini disertakan gamba poster yg telah ditampal.....

p/s: bilakah agaknya akan produce publish paper? hmmmmm

-ain yahaya-

Monday, March 21, 2011


Dah nak ujung bulan 3 dah. to be exact, 11 hari lg masuk la bulan April... Byknye keje yg x siap lg...
Below are 'THE LIST':

1. Start and finish CME Project

2. Start doing Sports Day quizzes
- quiz Taboo
-quiz brand

3. Start wat Literature Study for Master Project I

4. Final will be on the end of April:
-Fatigue and Fracture: 29/4
-Adaptie Control: 30/4

Now, that is a lot to do in 1 month... Bila nak start ni???

-ain yahaya-

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Merong Mahawangsa

Sampai masa tibanya waktu,

Redup hati kalam berdua,
Bila dua jasad bersatu,

Hidup mati jadi bersama
~Merong mahawangsa~

klasik n puitis, tapi makna yang penuh mendalam....

-ain yahaya-

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's march now people. Br 3 hb, tp dah mcm2 hal dah beratur menunggu.

4/3: to bp. Ada org kawen.
5/3 - 6/3: to kl. Ija bertunang.
7/3: Assignment Fatigue due.
8/3: Test 1 Fatigue....

-Test 2 Adaptive Control
-Assignment 2 & 3 Adaptive Control
-Project CFD
-Project Sports Day ( due in June)

byknye keje... dah x larat dah ni... ni blom lg mgu submit project.
Baru week 8, klu Week 14, btol2 bleh pengsan!!!!

p/s: Project Sports Day adalah personal matter. Buat semata-mata hanyalah untuk tolong MAMA.... Tp, bila kena wat, nak wat sepenuh hati n produce good results...PENGSAN3x..........

until we write again,
yours truly............

Monday, February 28, 2011


sana-sini everyone is talking about one thing:'marriage'.....
true, getting married is important, but is it the single most important thing in a gurl's life?
Should our life be defined by our marital status? ( So wierd, zaman serba teknologi ni pun ada lg orang ingat orang pompuan mesti kawen, jgn jadi Anak dara tua...)..

Personal opinion: Marriage is about the bond of 2 people that are confident that they're meant 4 each other. if u find that person, that get married, by all means. But if not, we should wait n yakin kepada suratan takdir. Tuhan kan cipta semua makhluknya berpasangan? Don;t get married bcoz of what other people might think...

one more thing: only get married when both of you are ready- physically, emotionally n economically....

p/s: i'm tired of answering when i'm getting married to these kind of people. I'll get married when I WANT TO...

until next time,
yours truly...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


well... this year, i'm turning 25. 25!!! suku abad kot... rase seperti tua gile dah....

everyone is in different phases of their lives, even though we're the same age....
i. one of my oldest friend ( from primary school) is 7 months pregnant;
ii. primary school friend gak, is getting married at the end of month;
iii. 5-6 friend is getting engaged all this year;
iv. some friends are very happy- great job, great pay check, great LIFE. dah stable katanya...

how about me?- x mampu diolah ke penulisan.... just living as usual, not happy, but not miserable... (okay, sometimes miserable coz all my friends seems to be more successful than me)....
when will i get the chance to live my life? when will i get to be happy n stable?
soklan cepumas:when will i find the one true love of my life, 'the one'? and will i know that he's the one when i finally find him? hard to say....

until next time,
yours truly...